

My school district is so retarded. It's been snowing for the past 2 days, and we didn't even get off once. Only 1 early dismissal and a 2 hour delay. While all the other school's in our same county have off. Freaking retarded.

I would've loved to have that time off to rest, make money, hang out with friends, and work on the Garry's Mod video and the video idea I have for Kris's birthday. Kris and I actually share the same birthday, but I wouldn't make a birthday video for myself. But I've at least gotten some time to work on my Minecraft house, play some Combat Arms, and school work. So I should be all set for the weekend.

Sadly I have freaking Math Mid-Terms tomorrow. I hope it's not too many questions, and I hope it's all things I know. Cause I really don't feel like studying. And I still can't find my iPod either.

So my week has been nothing but bad luck really. Internet goes down and I have to use my crappy neighbors, get in trouble for PDA at school again, can't find my iPod, no days off, mid-terms, and some other things. On the bright side though, I have found more quarters and other change on the ground than I usually do, and I got this amazing flavored gum. It's one of the new kinds, the Extra Delights. It's Mint Choco Chip and it is absolutely amazing!

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