
2nd Gear

This may sound really weird and super fake, but it's so amazing for me and works so well!

What I've seem to have done, is train my body to use some of my inner energy (I take Karate, I learn about that stuff) and I guess I can know use it to enhance my speed when running on command. I don't know if it will work with strength or not, but it sure does work with my speed! So what I do it, I collide my fists together or just one on the ground and just say or scream,"Second Gear!" and then I just go flying!

When we were running these things for Track Conditioning today, I did that. We had to all out sprint down this long hallway in our High School like 8 times. And the first 4 times I just all out sprinted without using second gear. But then the last four I used it, and I think I shaved 1-2 seconds off the time it took me to sprint all that. The distance was about equal to a 100 and I do that in Track, so I should be good!

But one time I did it, and I felt like showing off. So I let this huge group of people get in front of me. I think Matt, Nick, Rumee, and some other people I know were in that huge crowd. So I let them get in front of me as we open the door of the staircase and are about to start sprinting, and when I walk out of the door I just collide my fists together and scream,"SECOND GEAR!". And I went flying down that hallway like a frikin car on the highway. And I heard all these people in the group behind me just go,"OH...MY....GOSH!!!". It was hilarious!

But sadly, it takes a lot of energy out of me. So I was really out of it each time I did it. But it's still freakin awesome! Second Gear FTW!!!

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