
LOL Another Rant :D

Another rant about my "friends" on Facebook criticizing the way I made Zack's intro. I'm actually not all that upset about it now. It's just cause I was having a really horrible day yesterday, so it made me upset.

But Zack and I have had some pretty good comebacks on the matter. Like the fact that every one who's criticizing it has either A. Never made a video in their life or B. Has made a video and made it in Window's Movie Maker. Which I find pretty funny.

Yeah but more criticism. Not even constructed either. But Zack kinda ranted on them saying he'll send them the raw footage of it and they can make a better intro. Which was pretty smart on our behalf. But I think what they're failing to grasp is that I have to keep Kris, Zack, and I's parts of the LJProductions10 intro about 5-10 seconds each. Because I don't want it to take up a lot of time, and I don't want to get copyright complaints about the music used.

But the actual video they're all looking at, isn't the one I actually made for Zack's intro on his channel. The one they're looking at is only the one for the LJProductions10 intro. But I'll put the link right down there if you want to see it anyway.


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