

Just decided to test out this new Amazon Associates thing. I think it's pretty cool that a lot of other's can get the chance to make some cash through blog posts and their actual life. So I'm just testing how this will work out.

I see that on the side of my post section is an Amazon Associates tab and that I can search for products. So I'm guessing that you can just drag the thing you want over??? Actually that's not the case. You have these little buttons and you can add the Link, Image, or Link + Image. So I'll do Link + Image.

Hu. So that's how it works. That's pretty neat. So now you all can enjoy a nice Left 4 Dead poster picture, and buy it too! :D

Well right now we're leaving the hotel. So I'm gonna have to sign off. Like I've been saying the past couple of posts, hopefully I'll be able to get on the internet at my Nana's. If not, this trip will be another 3 days with nothing computer related.

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