Well I'm leaving for Pittsburgh tomorrow morning. Gonna be up at a hotel for about a day and a half so at least I'll have some WiFi then. But after that we're going down to my Nana's house for Dad's side of the family Christmas. I can get some WiFi signal there, but it's always unpredictable. It's like a crappy noise detecting light switch. You could make a sound and the light goes off, or you could make a sound and it doesn't go off. That wasn't the best example ever...oh well.
But yeah, my dad actually said instead of being up there until Saturday, we're leaving Friday morning to come back home. So that will get me back here at about 1 or 2 o'clock on Friday. So if any of my friends are having a New Year's Eve Party, I'll be there! :D And I already have a video edited for this Sunday so I won't have to worry about that!
Oh! And I'm getting a new gaming laptop in about 2 months! I got my mom to agree that after I get all my money for my birthday, that I can order one of those new Dell XPS gaming laptops online. Cause I only have about 350$ for that right now, and it costs like.....900$. So by the time my birthday is over I'll have at least 600$-700$ for it, and then I can just pull the rest of the money out of the bank!
So I'm not sure what I'm going to do for gaming videos until then.....probly just gonna edit together a lot of unused Minecraft clips or something. I could also record when Zack and I played that airplane map on L4D. But that's about all I can think of. Cause my current laptop is crap when it comes to gaming, so I'd lag on most games I try to play. But I won't for long! :D
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