

Been playing Minecraft for about 4 hours straight. I'm gonna stop and go to bed. I bought the Alpha version of Minecraft so that way I can save half the money and still receive all the updates and stuff for when it's finished. But man is that game addicting! Jeez! It's so simple but so addicting! I have a bunch of gameplay footage I recorded and have to edit. Gonna call this little series: Night of Minecraft. Probly have a lot of it on single player, of how much I'm starting to progress and understand the game (with commentary of course). And then maybe some multiplayer stuff with Kris and people. I don't know. But it's gonna be funnnnnnnnn! :D

For a special treat, my first "house" in Minecraft.


Well my Thanksgiving was pretty fun. Dad's friend and his family came over, stayed in my room all day playing video games and talking to my girlfriend. Then later played Stairways to Heaven L4D Custom Map with Zach. So it wasn't a very eventful day. Had 10 days off for Thanksgiving break though! But that's coming to an end too cause on Tuesday I gotta go back to school. I'm actually pretty glad to be going back. I've missed Diana (my girlfriend) so much! I'm going to kiss her, and hug her, and lick all over her face when I see her on Tuesday!

But yeah anyway. Fun!


Poker Night at the Inventory Items Checklist (11/27/10)

The list to all the TF2 items I've won in this game so far:

Got em all! :D
[x] The Enthusiast's Time Piece
[x] The Iron Curtain
[x] The Lugemorph
[x] The License to Maim
[x] Dangeresque's Shades


Source Filmmaker

Just spent 3...freaking...hours trying to download Source Filmmaker. Despite my efforts I could not get it to work. I'm just sticking with random GMod TF2 stuff. I'm not gonna get too into this Filmmaker until Valve actually releases an easy to get version. IF they release one at all. But I give up on it.

New videos on LJProductions10

Since I have 10 days off for Thanksgiving, this gives me a lot of time to catch up on gameplay and edit more clips. These are probly gonna be the last videos for at least a week to two weeks, cause I've uploaded 4 in 3 days. So here's the links to all of them.

I beat the Heavy at Poker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwY22ebufgw

TF2 The Enthusiast's Time Piece: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vxwfcsb6EU

Poker Night at the Inventory Gameplay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud71_qQQHuQ

TF2 The Iron Curtain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w_6hUqgdFs

Poker Night at the Inventory Items Checklist (11/25/10)

The list to all the TF2 items I've won in this game so far:

[x] The Enthusiast's Time Piece
[x] The Iron Curtain
[] The Lugemorph
[] The License to Maim
[x] Dangeresque's Shades


It's always nice to wake up and see that someone sent a message to your Youtube account, telling you how awesome they think your videos are, and how they think you should be getting a lot more views than you are. That made me happy =D

(This is the Youtube account the message was sent to) http://www.youtube.com/user/LJProductions10


Scared as crap

Maybe it's cause I'm super tired or because I really understand this story line well. But this just scares the crap out of me. http://www.youtube.com/user/Jadusable#p/u/0/M1s-JrNYdlA (Anyone who's familiar with the Jadusable Youtube channel and Haunted Majora's Mask story would get this)


Poker Night at the Inventory Items Checklist (11/23/10){2}

Had to update the list cause I just unlocked a new item. Soooo yeah.

The list to all the TF2 items I've won in this game so far:

[x] The Enthusiast's Time Piece
[] The Iron Curtain
[] The Lugemorph
[] The License to Maim

[x] Dangeresque's Shades

Poker Night at the Inventory Items Checklist (11/23/10)

The list to all the TF2 items I've won in this game so far:

[x] The Enthusiast's Time Piece
[] The Iron Curtain
[] The Lugemorph
[] The License to Maim
[] Dangeresque's Shades

Poker Night

Got Poker Night at the Inventory yesterday. And oh my god is it addicting! I just couldn't stop playing. I won my first tournament in the game last night, and at the beginning of the night, had no clue how to even play Poker! And the mix up of Tycho, Max, Strongbad, and the Heavy makes the game a crapload more interesting! It's a definite must buy game. You won't be let down. Especially with all the Team Fortress 2 items you can win. I've already got The Enthusiast's Time Piece. Awesome game!



Finished editing the first Zelda map Zach and I played through. Sadly Zach had no mic when we recorded this (yesterday) but now he does have a mic! So we're trying to play through the second map right now. And then I'll probly have the 2nd map done edited by tomorrow. Zach with a mic = funnier moments


Left 4 Dead crap

Zach and I decided to play through the Legend of Zelda Custom Maps for Left 4 Dead. After 2 hours of failing, dieing, screaming, killing, lagging, and getting everything sorted, we finally beat the first map! Then another 1 and a half after that we almost beat the second one. I was the only one alive, we were fighting the Dodongos in the boss room, I start to limp over to the respawn door to save Zach and the bots, and then, I get hit my a Dodongo and die. So close! Well gonna edit the footage and crap. Hopefully we can beat the 2nd map by tonight!


Harry Potta

Saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 today. It was a really good movie! The left some parts of the book out which they easily could've fit in with the time frame. The last movie was like 3 hours, and this one was 2 hours and 30 minutes so it really wouldn't have made a difference if they put them in. But very good movie! Can't wait for part 2!!!



I have 10 days off for Thanksgiving break. With absolutely nothing to do. It's gonna be so boring!!!


I need it....BAD!

Right as I'm about to finish my essay for school...my laptop just shuts down. Didn't run out of battery or anything. Didn't press any buttons, everythings working fine, full battery, and it just shuts down. You know why??? To update -.- Vista you have just lowered my liking for you even more


Some people...

God some people are just so freaking annoying. Two people on the bus ride home today told me to stop being pervy around my girlfriend and that they know she doesn't like it when I am. And then one know-it-all girl told me that I love all these other girls more than my girlfriend right now. I've been going out with my girlfriend for more than a year.....she tells me everything.....and I don't love anyone else besides her. I don't need any of your advice. So just stfu, that's all there is to it. But anyways.....gathering some clips for LOL4D Moments #1! Gonna need a lot more clips...so it's gonna take awhile before it's finished. Like...5 months or so....



Yesterday Zach and Nick both came over. We played Super Smash Bros. Brawl for an hour, then some Naruto  Clash of Ninja Revolution. Then we went outside and kicked the soccer ball around in our street. After that Nick had to go and it was just me and Zach. I started playing Gang Garrison 2 while he played Majora's Mask on my Wii. So I decided to record him playing Majora's Mask with my camera, and record me playing Gang Garrison 2 with Camtasia. And now I'm stuck editing the clips together, getting the audio right, and splitting up the video into 14 minutes segmants. Should be done soon! I hope!


Nothing Much

Haven't had anything to post lately really. My life's been pretty boring. Just school. Life problems. Work. Nothing that interesting. And can't record much gameplay now because I like, destroyed my computers processor. I'm not sure what's wrong with it but I can't play a game, and record with Fraps at the same time with out crazy lag. It's really annoying. Can't wait for my Mac. I'm getting seriously sick of this Vista piece of crap!


Fail #1

I was walking down the stairs in our school auditorium. I look behind me to say something to Jared. And then all of a sudden!!!.....I fall. What's sad is that the stairs in there are only like 3 inches tall. And I actually fell down one...afterwards I laughed for a full 3 minutes. Good times! :D


Epic moment #1

I'm walking out of my Social Studies class. I get up out of my desk, moonwalk over to the door, do a 360, on about 180 degrees of my spin, I pull down the handle on the door and open it, turn around the rest of the way, and walk out. I was singing Stayin Alive in a nice high pitched voice the whole time while I did it. EPIC!


Reason for Suicide #1

Trying to do homework while your sister and sister's friend are in the other room talking about their butts and of how big, fat, and hot they are. What the hell!?!?!? FML!!!!!!!!



Beat Majora's Mask. Starting Wind Waker now. Probly gonna be playing it all day tomorrow. But then there's always school work and crap I gotta do. Oh well.

WIN???...................fail :(

Dr.Hax can't be defeated, or give you an epic moment without ruining it afterwards :(



Stupid Wii

Right about to get the last mask in Majoras mask, right before the moon crashes so I can get up into the clock tower, and beat Majora with the one mask you get if you get absolutely all of them, and my game freezes up, making me have to get 3 masks, the big wallet, and do the Kafei and Anju thing ALL OVER AGAIN!!! Sometimes the Wii just screws you over...


Gang Garrison 2

Best pixelated version of TF2 I have ever played! LOVE IT!


Finally beat The Sacrifice!!! I didn't want to finish it until I played it with Kris and Zach. But I was just testing some custom music for the Finales and I finished it anyway. It took me like 14 tries just to get to the 2nd generator. Of course I was playing with AI's. But the music sounds great and finally beat the campaign!


It's killing me!

The wait for my new laptop is killing me! The Mac one I'm getting will actually be able to run Left 4 Dead and other games with no lag! But until I get $1,060 I'm stuck with this crappy one :( The lag is really starting to make me sad :(


It's happened!!!

I'm watching NCIS and the episode is called Left For Dead!!! My two favorite things have combined! I can tell this will be a good episode! :D


I hate algebra

I hate it. That's all there is to it

Disney Crap

Decided to watch The Haunted Mansion to see how much the Left 4 Dead Night Terror campaign relates to the movie. The second chapter in the campaign is designed more like the ride though. But gotta finish the rest of the movie still. It's been pretty good so far!


I need money

Made this blog, pretty much for the money I can make for the Adsense. And the donations bar :D But I could really use some money right now. Saving up for a Mac and a good gaming computer. Only have about $200 for it so far. So yeah....I'm desperate...